An anti-fascist poster from anarcho-communist related factions of Madrid, Spain, reading “The surveillance of the city must be ensured by the Antifascist Popular Guard.” Credit Museo Reina Sofía via wikicommons.

Power to the people: the benefits of Anarcho-communism

Brian Beeler
2 min readDec 22, 2022


Anarcho-communism is a political ideology that advocates for the abolition of the state and capitalism, and the creation of a society based on common ownership and the distribution of resources according to the needs of each individual. While practiced by mankind for most of its history the ideas of anarcho-communism were first written about in modern times by Peter Kropotkin and later by David Graeber among others.

There are several benefits to living in an anarcho-communist society, both for individuals and for a community as a whole. One benefit is a simpler life, as people would not have the pressure about worrying about earning an ever-greater paycheck to cover ever-greater expenses. They would be freed from the need to accumulate as much wealth as they can, which comes at the expenses of others. Instead, resources would be distributed based on need, which could allow people to live more meaningful and fulfilling lives, focused on things other than just making money.

Another benefit of anarco-communism is less work. In a capitalist society, people often have to work long hours in order to earn a living and keep up with the demands of the market. In an anarcho-communist society, work would be distributed more equally among members of the community, and people would not have to work as many hours in order to meet their basic needs. This would lead to a greater sense of work-life balance and allow people to have more time to pursue their passions and hobbies.

Housing in an anarcho-communist society could also be small but still very comfortable, as people would not be competing for the biggest and most luxurious homes. Instead, the focus would be on meeting the basic needs of all members of the community, rather than accumulating wealth and status through material possessions.

Finally, anarco-communism would lead to better mental health for all. Much better than the current conditions of the ongoing mental health crisis which our society now suffers from under capitalism. In a capitalist society, people often feel stressed and anxious due to the pressure to earn a living and accumulate wealth. In an anarcho-communist society this pressure would be removed allowing people to live more relaxed and fulfilling lives.



Brian Beeler
Brian Beeler

Written by Brian Beeler


Photojournalist, landscape photographer, writer, code jockey and former USCG MK. Also lived in Đà Nẵng, VN. Author of the novel “The Beauty of Aqua.”

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